Trauma-Informed Librarianship for Survivors

By Allan Cho (Follow us on LinkedIn) As part of the Visible Minority Librarians of Canada Network (ViMLoC), I’ve participated in its mentorship program and have met many talented and eager early career librarians over the years. I had recently caught up with a mentee who was going through a dark period in their life. We hadContinue reading “Trauma-Informed Librarianship for Survivors”

The People You Work With Are Not Your Family

By Marcelo Rodríguez Recently, I was featured in a short Q&A talking about my thoughts on leadership. Quite frankly, I did it more as a favor than anything else, and I spent around 20 minutes answering the questions. I do spend a considerable amount of time thinking about leadership at work and how it translatesContinue reading “The People You Work With Are Not Your Family”

Have a Toxic Boss? Get Out!

by Marcelo Rodríguez We get used to everything and anything: from the inept and the incompetent to the toxic and the abusive. My thesis gets confirmed every time I get emails commenting on my previous posts: Let’s Play a Game: Who is Missing at the Law Library Table? and Top 5 Things to Do inContinue reading “Have a Toxic Boss? Get Out!”