What Does it Take to Lead?

By Mike Martinez (Follow us on LinkedIn) Let me set the stage for you: The semester is drawing to a close and I’d been wanting to get my team together to review our strategic plan.  I tried to make it “fun”, if that is even possible where work is involved.   The trainer provided an ice breakerContinue reading “What Does it Take to Lead?”

AI Tools in Legal Writing: ChatGPT Enhances, But Does Not Replace, Librarians and Attorneys

By Ana Rosa Ramírez Toft-Nielsen (Follow us on LinkedIn) ChatGPT is all anyone can talk about, so why not write about it some more. The legal profession has seen significant advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) over the years, including the use of ChatGPT. While ChatGPT could change legal writing methods, it is not a substitute forContinue reading “AI Tools in Legal Writing: ChatGPT Enhances, But Does Not Replace, Librarians and Attorneys”

On Going with the Flow

By Rebecca Potance I have this recurring dream where I’m sitting in the passenger seat of a car desperately trying to steer the vehicle. My feet can’t reach the pedals, my arms can’t reach the steering wheel, there’s no one in the driver’s seat, but yet the car is moving. I feel sick and IContinue reading “On Going with the Flow”

Change Management Checklist

By Elizabeth Graham At this point, it feels pretty unnecessary to reiterate how libraries are constantly changing, but let the record show I’ve acknowledged it, CHANGE IS A THING. It will always be a thing. Whether it’s a pandemic, a system migration, or even a new boss, change is unavoidable. Throughout my career I’ve comeContinue reading “Change Management Checklist”